How To Give A First Rate Event Speech
Small groups or your annual gala. Here’s my proven formula for a great event speech.
Small groups or your annual gala. Here’s my proven formula for a great event speech.
What does a CEO and a Board Chair do with a toxic board member? Don’t let her hold you hostage. She’s got to go. Here’s how.
Two stories, one lesson. One about the power of flowers and the other about a donor so rich he had his own zip code. What’s the lesson?
OK, so you were just elected board chair. Now what? No job description, no time, no playbook. Maybe I can help.
It’s SO important to recruit the right number of the right folks. It’s a team effort – here’s the plan.
CEO’s and Board Chairs need to get along very very well. The health of your nonprofit depends on it. Here’s how.
An engaged donor who is generous. Yay! And yet she has ridiculous capacity. Here’s an upgrade strategy.
Before you land on your Development Director as ‘the’ problem, take a ride through my checklist.
Board members often see overhead as a four letter word. Funders too. Really? Time to educate about its value.
PUH-lease. Before rolling the E.D. under the bus, analyze the relationship between the E.D. and the Devo Director. It needs to be an “us.” Here’s how to turn the duo into a powerful “us.”
Part 2: Interpreting my board assessment tool in the service of building a stronger, more effective board.
Typical assessment tools look at your board in the aggregate in do not ask the right questions. So I created one of my own that you can download. It can offer valuable insights for the E.D. and the board chair.