How To Create a Successful Special Event
5 keys to a successful special event. Each requires a little extra planning but aren’t your guests worth it?
5 keys to a successful special event. Each requires a little extra planning but aren’t your guests worth it?
Here are 5 big fat fundraising mistakes you should stop making immediately.
Your nonprofit needs PR but can’t afford a communications director. Got it. Here’s how one nonprofit got itself lots of press for free.
When should staff be involved in the search for a new leader at a nonprofit? To what degree? Here’s a process to consider.
A new monthly feature where I answers questions from my readers. Bet many of you have the same ones.
You and your organization will make unpopular (read: controversial decisions). How you manage them will make all the difference.
A very easy test to connect with stakeholders and see if they get what you do.
If you don’t learn to say no, your organization becomes a world of half-assed yesses.
There are days when it can be just plain hard to work at a nonprofit. Today and on those days, this reminder may help.
I was a good manager in corporate America and very good when I landed in nonprofit. Here’s the difference.
Small groups or your annual gala. Here’s my proven formula for a great event speech.
What does a CEO and a Board Chair do with a toxic board member? Don’t let her hold you hostage. She’s got to go. Here’s how.