10 Books Every Nonprofit Leader Should Read
Even if you read only 1 of these, it will be a real investment in your professional growth and will help make the work you do even more remarkable.
Even if you read only 1 of these, it will be a real investment in your professional growth and will help make the work you do even more remarkable.
Here’s a budget process that will engage and inspire your board to raise even more money than you were planning to budget for in the first place.
Everyone is busy and there are always excuses. But joining a nonprofit board might be one of the best things you can do for yourself.
How do you go about finding the right fit for the organization? Here’s what you need to do to find your next great Executive Director….
Dear Joan: Here’s a question for you. Is it time for a Deputy Director? Wouldn’t that solve the problem and compensate for our Executive Director’s financial liabilities?
You need to fill a position. You have a candidate. She’s OK. Not a rock star. Here’s the best advice I have for you. STOP! Read this first.
Here is my 8-step transition plan template for how to depart from your nonprofit organization the right way.
Experts answer: In presidential election years, donors have another outlet to make a gift. What steps can nonprofits take to drive donations in 2016?
Forget about that Oprah Winfrey Weight Watchers commercial. You can park your tush in a board meeting and experience measurable change in your health.
OK, time to look back on 2015. I’m going to give it my best shot. There are times when I can’t remember what happened yesterday.
Generally speaking, bad employees don’t just disappear so I don’t see this as a viable strategy. Here’s a better one.
Most people hate board meetings. And with good reason! Here’s the most important thing you can do to make them “can’t miss” events.