Ep 47: How to Engage Millennials (with Abra Annes)

by Joan Garry

How do we engage millennials and get them to support causes we care about, and that we hope they care about too? That’s the topic of today’s podcast…


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Donor bases are aging and anyone who’s had any contact with the next generation knows they do everything differently. They call for rides with apps, find roommates through online services, order coffee with their phones. It’s a different world.

So how do we engage millennials and get them to support causes we care about, and that we hope they care about too? The good news: these young people really do care… and it’s possible to reach them without spending a great deal of money.

About Abra Annes

My guest today is not only a millennial herself; she is also the founder of Generosity Auctions and one of the top female charity auctioneers in the business.

Abra Annes has raised over $100 million for nonprofits nationwide and has served on numerous boards, but her real passion is getting nonprofits and boards to make the changes necessary to engage millennials and bring them into their organizations. I’ll give you a hint: it involves technology.

Hear what Abra has to say about how to reach out to the next generation of nonprofit leaders and givers.

In this episode:

  • Four strategies that work to engage millennials
  • The best ways to use social media
  • How to get interaction on media platforms
  • The importance of linking up with influencers
  • Video is the most important of all media – use it!
  • Smart technology and virtual reality
  • How the technology can pay for itself… yes, really!!

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