Ep 73: The Arc of a Successful Capital Campaign (with Eric Javier)

by Joan Garry

You need to make a huge leap in your nonprofit. And so you require a significant amount of money in a certain period of time. You may need a capital campaign.


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You need to do something spectacular and make a huge leap in your nonprofit. And so you require a significant amount of money in a certain period of time.

You may need a campaign. But each need may require a different type of campaign.

Eric Javier, who has helped to design and direct more than 200 fundraising campaigns and initiatives that have raised more than $2 billion, explains the difference between capital, endowment, and comprehensive campaigns, as well as the steps needed to create the arc of a successful capital campaign.

Perhaps if you’re struggling to hit payroll next week, you might think this is not the podcast for you. But I can’t tell you how many heroic nonprofit leaders have dug an organization out of a ditch and driven it right into the thrill of a capital campaign.

Listen up and file it all away.

About Eric

Eric Javier is a Principal and Managing Director with CCS. For the last 20 years Eric has advised leading executives, trustees, and development leaders from across the nonprofit sector.  Eric’s primary areas of expertise include feasibility and planning studies; capital and endowment campaigns; major donor programs; principal gift solicitation strategies; strategic development planning; case messaging and storytelling; and coaching and training.

“The truest definition of philanthropy is ‘love of humanity.’ It’s a privilege to work with passionate leaders who are working so hard to make positive change in the world. Philanthropy is the fuel that makes that change possible,” says Eric.

Eric frequently speaks about philanthropy and development strategy at professional conferences, including the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP), the Council for the Advancement and Support of Education (CASE), and the National Association of Independent Schools (NAIS).

Eric resides in Westchester, NY with his wife, Kristin, their two daughters, and rescued dog, Oscar.

In this episode