Ep 176: Why the Nonprofit Sector Needs a Publicist

by Joan Garry

It can be frustrating to see people overlook the incredible impact of our organizations. We’re constantly fighting against stereotypes and misconceptions, but I believe we can change the narrative and set the record straight.


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Hey, folks! In this episode, I’m flying solo and getting real about the state of the nonprofit sector. As someone who eats, sleeps, and breathes nonprofit work, I know how frustrating it can be to see people overlook the incredible impact of our organizations. We’re constantly fighting against stereotypes and misconceptions, but I believe we can change the narrative and set the record straight.

Why is changing the conversation around nonprofits so important? Because the work we do is vital to our communities and our world, and we deserve to be recognized for it. It’s time to take control of the narrative and show people what we’re really all about.

Now, I know what you might be thinking: “Joan, this all sounds great, but how do we really change this? How do we shift the way people view the nonprofit sector?”

Well my friend, that’s exactly what I explore in this episode…

I dig deep into why it’s so dang hard to change the narrative around nonprofits. Spoiler alert: there’s no one answer! But, we’ll dive into some common challenges and ways we can start to overcome them.

Then we’ll get into the juicy stuff: storytelling. That’s right folks, it’s time to put on our creative hats and start thinking about how we can share our organization’s stories in a compelling and impactful way. We’ll explore the power of storytelling and how we can use it to reframe the way people think about nonprofits.

And I’ll share some practical tips and advice for nonprofit leaders who want to be better ambassadors for their organizations and the sector as a whole. Trust me, you won’t want to miss this part.

So, join me in this episode as we explore the state of the nonprofit sector and discover how we can all work together to change the conversation and make a real impact.

Click play to learn:

  • What did Jeopardy’s recent section on “organizations” show us about the state of the nonprofit sector? (0:23)
  • What do we want the world to know about the state of the nonprofit sector in 2023? How can we start changing the narrative? (1:50)
  • How can we do a better job at spreading the good word about nonprofits? (3:40)
  • How do we become better ambassadors for nonprofits and stop talking smack about the sector? (8:36)
  • Why are people who work in nonprofits the best ones to help reframe the narrative about the state of the nonprofit sector? (12:32)
  • What should we do about the state of the nonprofit sector? (17:57)
  • Why is it so important for nonprofit leaders to be intentional about how we talk about ourselves and the work we do? (24:41)


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About Joan Garry

Founder of the Nonprofit Leadership Lab, where we help smaller nonprofits thrive. I’m also a strategic advisor for executive directors and boards of larger nonprofits. I’m a frequent keynote speaker, a blogger, and an author on all things leadership and management.

I’m a woman with a mission to fuel the leadership of the nonprofit sector. My goal with each episode is to dig deep into an issue I know that nonprofit leaders are grappling with, by finding just the right person to offer you advice and insights.

Today is no exception.

Contact Joan Garry