Ep 20: Volunteer If You Want to Live Longer (with Pamela Hawley)

by Joan Garry

Harvard did a study that determined that volunteering helps people live longer and healthier lives with 38% fewer nights spent in the hospital.


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We all know that volunteering helps a multitude of people in need, but did you know it brings amazing benefits to the volunteer too? Harvard did a study that determined that volunteering helps people live longer and healthier lives with 38% fewer nights spent in the hospital.

So if you want to live forever, become a volunteer!

I sought out Pamela Hawley, founder and CEO of UniversalGiving, to help us learn how to make volunteering a 5-star experience for all involved. UniversalGiving has matched more than $31 million worth of volunteer hours and has been featured on the homepage of Bloomberg, Oprah.com, CBS, The Wall Street Journal, and The New York Times; and has been acknowledged three times on Great Nonprofits’ annual Top Nonprofits lists.

Pamela is also a winner of the prestigious Jefferson Award.

The power of volunteerism is staggering. In this episode we discuss purpose, volunteering, and embracing the army of do-gooders that’s out there. Volunteering enriches the lives of the volunteers as well as the recipients of the good work they do. Let’s find out more about how to harness the power of volunteerism.

And as an added bonus, Pamela has an inspirational volunteer story that will literally give you goose bumps.

In This Episode:

  • What differentiates a good volunteer from a great volunteer?
  • How can we improve volunteerism?
  • Keeping volunteers both happy and effective.
  • What does success for your volunteer look like?
  • Investing in and grooming interns or volunteers to be leaders at your organization.
  • The volunteer skills that are the most in demand.
  • Tangible ways to show appreciation for your volunteers.
  • How to get people off the bench and onto the field.

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