Help! My Executive Director Hates Fundraising!
PUH-lease. Before rolling the E.D. under the bus, analyze the relationship between the E.D. and the Devo Director. It needs to be an “us.” Here’s how to turn the duo into a powerful “us.”
PUH-lease. Before rolling the E.D. under the bus, analyze the relationship between the E.D. and the Devo Director. It needs to be an “us.” Here’s how to turn the duo into a powerful “us.”
Part 2: Interpreting my board assessment tool in the service of building a stronger, more effective board.
Staff burnout is a two way street. Here’s a guest post from my former Devo Director (Type A just like me) with her perspective on pushing way too hard. Hint: palpitations are involved.
Work-life balance matters. Here’s how a certain, very common management style (mine) nearly resulted in the death of a dear friend and colleague.
So many organizations are unclear about what the Executive Committee does, why it’s important and what an effective one looks like. I’m quite clear about it.
The success of a fundraising event is not measured by the funds raised that evening. It’s about the money that follows. Here’s my six point plan for capitalizing on the success of your special events
Passionate ambassadors (paid and unpaid) of an organization raise funds for its good work. I never consider it hard work when I believe in the cause. But I never go in without a plan. Here’s my old family recipe on a perfect fundraising lunch.
You can pay for media training or it can be offered to you by the most unlikely suspects. Here are some tips I picked up from an evangelical Southern Baptist televangelist.
Too often, nonprofits think that social media is “over there” rather than “right here,” core to the communications strategy. My students at UPenn saw this firsthand this semester. They taught me a thing or two. And those lessons led me to five actions you can take.
If it’s been awhile since the budget included staff raises and if money is tight (these things go together), here’s an outside the box idea about how you might find the money.
Many people say they are “terrified” of fundraising. Even though they are deeply committed to causes, local orgs and candidates. What’s the worst thing that could happen if you ask?
It is my opinion that executive directors don’t often see questions as good and board members don’t often enough ask good questions. Here are some ideas.