The Staff Didn’t Want To Hire Me
When should staff be involved in the search for a new leader at a nonprofit? To what degree? Here’s a process to consider.
When should staff be involved in the search for a new leader at a nonprofit? To what degree? Here’s a process to consider.
A new monthly feature where I answers questions from my readers. Bet many of you have the same ones.
You and your organization will make unpopular (read: controversial decisions). How you manage them will make all the difference.
A very easy test to connect with stakeholders and see if they get what you do.
There are days when it can be just plain hard to work at a nonprofit. Today and on those days, this reminder may help.
I was a good manager in corporate America and very good when I landed in nonprofit. Here’s the difference.
Small groups or your annual gala. Here’s my proven formula for a great event speech.
Two stories, one lesson. One about the power of flowers and the other about a donor so rich he had his own zip code. What’s the lesson?
It’s SO important to recruit the right number of the right folks. It’s a team effort – here’s the plan.
CEO’s and Board Chairs need to get along very very well. The health of your nonprofit depends on it. Here’s how.
Before you land on your Development Director as ‘the’ problem, take a ride through my checklist.
Board members often see overhead as a four letter word. Funders too. Really? Time to educate about its value.