Is It OK For Nonprofit Leaders to Make Big Salaries?
Is it appropriate for nonprofit leaders to be well paid? Why or why not? And what about at smaller nonprofits that don’t have big budgets?
Is it appropriate for nonprofit leaders to be well paid? Why or why not? And what about at smaller nonprofits that don’t have big budgets?
I’m not exactly the ideal model for how to kick back and enjoy time off. But it’s critical for you AND your staff. Here’s how to make it happen.
The 2008 recession taught nonprofits what to do in the face of economic uncertainty. Here are 3 steps to make sure nonprofits handle Brexit the right way.
Starting this blog was one of the best professional decisions I’ve made. Blogging can have a major impact on the growth of your nonprofit too.
Dear Joan: You just got a huge amount of new work dumped on you but your nonprofit doesn’t have a lot of money. Should you demand a raise?
While making any hire is often as much art as science, here is my three-question checklist to decide if it’s time to make your first development hire.
When people give to causes that are deeply meaningful to them, they feel like a million bucks. Here’s how to create true donor love.
Board meetings should not sneak up on anyone. In fact, you should be able to plan the meeting agendas for an entire year, in advance! Here’s how to…
The 3 components to hiring a great Development Director: 1) Get a good candidate pool. 2) Ask the right questions. 3) Recognize the right answers…
Even if you read only 1 of these, it will be a real investment in your professional growth and will help make the work you do even more remarkable.
Here’s a budget process that will engage and inspire your board to raise even more money than you were planning to budget for in the first place.
How do you go about finding the right fit for the organization? Here’s what you need to do to find your next great Executive Director….