The Problem With Executive Sessions
Nothing kills trust between the ED and the board like an unannounced executive session and no feedback whatsoever after it’s done. But executive sessions are important…
Nothing kills trust between the ED and the board like an unannounced executive session and no feedback whatsoever after it’s done. But executive sessions are important…
Nonprofits LOVE special events. And why not? They’re exciting and bring in revenue. But there’s a huge problem with them. In this video, I tell you what that is and suggest a better approach.
Boards needs to know what to ask candidates. Prospective executive directors need to know how to prepare for their interviews. Here’s some advice for both.
Many people see meetings as somehow apart from “real work.” That’s a big problem. Stop wasting time. Here’s the right way to run meetings.
The #1 reason people burn out in any job is because they’re constantly feeling overwhelmed. Here are 3 “quick wins” to help you prioritize.
I’d love a nonprofit version of The Office with the absurdity of high-maintenance donors, board meetings where conversation goes in circles, and all the…
Here’s what the best non-profit organizations are doing right. How does yours stack up?
We all have difficult people in our lives. Here are my top 10 strategies for how to deal with difficult people at work (especially at a nonprofit.)
I’ve got a true story for you. It’s so ridiculous. Except that something like it happens a lot at nonprofits. And I know exactly how I feel about that. Mad.
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You don’t get to call yourself a team until you earn it. Here are some practical ways an Executive Director can build a strong Leadership TEAM.