Stop Driving Your Board Chair Nuts!
Every thriving nonprofit has a strong and effective board chair. It’s critical. So then why are so many outstanding board chairs being driven nuts?
Every thriving nonprofit has a strong and effective board chair. It’s critical. So then why are so many outstanding board chairs being driven nuts?
Do you? 5 Telltale signs that it might be time to polish up the old resume. Or just try to remember it’s a privilege.
Never hesitate to shoot me an email with questions you have or blog post ideas. Ideas from my readers drive most of my content.
When I was an E.D. my board was often absent between meetings. I get it. They had day jobs. I needed an idea to engage them. I call it “The Goosebump a Week Solution.” Try it.
Imagine you’re about to ask somebody to make a sizable donation. Write down the one word that describes how you most feel. I bet I can guess… anxious?
Imagine you’re about to ask somebody to make a sizable donation. Write down the one word that describes how you most feel. I bet I can guess… anxious?
Imagine for a moment that you chair the Executive Director search committee on your board. You’re in the final rounds with two very different candidates…
Ever feel like even though you’ve accomplished a lot; it’s all a farce? That you’re going to be “found out”? I did. Here’s how I overcame Imposter Syndrome!
My book is done and launching on March 6! Find out the details here and consider joining my launch team!
The nonprofit sector has such a critical role to play in lifting us all up in times of uncertainty. And that has ZERO to do with who is in the White House.
Too many nonprofits don’t do performance reviews at all. Or do them poorly. And yet, regular assessments are one of the fourteen attributes of a thriving… nonprofit leader..
Whatever you want to say about 2016, it sure wasn’t boring! Here are the 10 most popular posts I wrote in 2016. It’s a great list for any nonprofit leader..