Nobody Warned Me About the “Executive Director 20”!
Ever hear of the “Freshman 15”? You know, the 1st year of college when you put on 15 pounds due to pizza, beer, and stress? Did you know there’s an “ED 20”?
Ever hear of the “Freshman 15”? You know, the 1st year of college when you put on 15 pounds due to pizza, beer, and stress? Did you know there’s an “ED 20”?
Think about your last board retreat. You’ve invested all this time and money. Your board members gave up a Friday night and full day on Saturday. And yet, just months later, they can barely even remember the agenda, much less any outcomes. Wow. This is NOT OK! Here’s how to do a whole lot better.
If you’re a nonprofit leader, you’ve probably given an event speech or two. Here’s my advice on how to craft an event speech that won’t send ’em running to the bar.
Are you hungry for a board that’s more engaged? I bet you are. So here are three practical ideas and a bonus suggestion. Whether you’re the frustrated Board Chair that feels like you’re knocking and nobody’s home, or the frustrated Executive Director who feels like every request is met with crickets.
Is the new tax law making your anxious? You’re not alone. Will our worst fears be realized and way fewer people will donate? Or simply donate less? Or will philanthropists now have more to give? Time will tell. But here’s some advice on how you can get proactive and put yourself in the best position to succeed…
Congrats! Your nonprofit is ready to make its first development hire. Who exactly should you be looking for? My downloadable job description should help.
Let me break it down for you: The roles and responsibilities of the Executive Director, the board chair, and the grey area where you need to work together.
Are you a micromanager? And is it always such a bad thing to micromanage? Maybe not. Here are some ways to tell the difference and some antidotes if you are micromanaging your staff.
The life of a leader can feel lonely. Today I’d like to explore the distinction between a coach and a mentor and offer some advice on how to find a mentor.
I recently attended a 2 week “health bootcamp” and want to share some lessons I learned. Some are personal. Most are unflattering. All are educational…
Here are the 3 more important tools we use to help facilitate communications and project management when people aren’t in the same physical space.