Why Nonprofits Never Have Enough Money
Here’s a budget process that will engage and inspire your board to raise even more money than you were planning to budget for in the first place.
Here’s a budget process that will engage and inspire your board to raise even more money than you were planning to budget for in the first place.
Download my free nonprofit board fundraising plan and give it a shot with your board. Use it to discuss how they can reach their fundraising goals.
Handle your elevator pitch the right way and you’ll get more volunteers, donations, engagement and awareness. Here’s how to get it right.
Not at the annual gala stage? Try some tips for great small fundraisers that can ignite relationships.
PUH-lease. Before rolling the E.D. under the bus, analyze the relationship between the E.D. and the Devo Director. It needs to be an “us.” Here’s how to turn the duo into a powerful “us.”