The Hidden Ingredient of a High-Functioning Board
What is the well-kept secret of a high-functioning board? Joan shares the hidden ingredient and why every board needs it.
What is the well-kept secret of a high-functioning board? Joan shares the hidden ingredient and why every board needs it.
What board member expenses should nonprofits pay for? What should they NEVER pay for? GREAT questions! Here’s my answer…
Here are five benefits for a give and get policy. I bet you will find that at least one of them will offer you an ‘AHA’ moment.
Here’s what the best non-profit organizations are doing right. How does yours stack up?
Here’s a budget process that will engage and inspire your board to raise even more money than you were planning to budget for in the first place.
Board governance and oversight of the finances is critical at nonprofits. Here are two free templates you can download to help get the board “on board.”
It’s not just good for the Executive Director. So how exactly does a nonprofit organization benefit from Executive Director contracts?
So many organizations are unclear about what the Executive Committee does, why it’s important and what an effective one looks like. I’m quite clear about it.
So much confusion about the role of the Board Fundraising Committee. Allow me to offer some clarity with a 10 step plan to morph yours into a great and effective committee.
What are these executive sessions and when are CEOs in and when are they out.