How to Keep Board Members Engaged Between Meetings

by Joan Garry

Keeping your board engaged during and between meetings is key for your nonprofit. How well is your board doing? Take the "Assess Your Board" Quiz now!

Executive Director: My board members left our last meeting so enthusiastically, with long lists of commitments and a real sense of excitement. What happened to them since then? I need them!

Board Member: That last board meeting felt really great. I had the opportunity to hear from the people our organization really touches. It was so motivating and inspiring. I left with a long list of commitments. Oy, the list. It’s still sitting here. What happened to me?

In just the last week, several readers have asked for a solution to this very problem. How do you keep board members engaged? Seems like a pretty widespread issue. I’m guessing this happens at your organization, right?

But be fair. We all know what happened to your board.


Life smacked them right in the face.

Remember – this isn’t their day job. Board members fit in their volunteer gigs when they can. That might not be convenient for your organization.

So you can’t be mad at them for the fact that life gets in the way.

But you can improve the situation. You can keep board members engaged. I’m going to tell you how.

I call it the “Goosebump-a-Week Solution”.


First a story. Back when I was running GLAAD, my board was stronger than most, equally as well-intentioned and understood its fundraising obligation. But between board meetings we would often knock and no one was home. Calls and emails unreturned.  It affected our ability to get things done and it affected staff morale. I needed an idea.

That was the first time I tried the “Goosebump-A-Week” solution (back then I called it “The Cocktail Party Soundbite” memo but I’m liking GAW better.)

It worked wonders to keep board members engaged between board meetings.

So what exactly is it? It’s about storytelling.


Too often, communication between staff and the board feels transactional. Emails, calls from the development director, all sorts of requests. Burdensome.

Your board members need regular reminders that they care deeply about the organization and its mission.

They need fuel that will snap them out of “life” and into board member mode.

You can do this by telling stories.

Sound simple? It is.


Here’s an easy-to-follow recipe for effective storytelling that will help you keep board members engaged, focused, and enthusiastic between board meetings.

1) Engage staff. Every staff member in your organization needs to be able to tell a great story. They are your most powerful ambassadors. Each one should be able to back up the mission with a real life illustration of how the work has really touched someone in a really important way. This is a skill your staff members need to learn, so give them the opportunity to practice.

Ask your staff to write one story each week. Two paragraphs max – the story must be told so that a board member can read it on her/his iPhone in less than 3 minutes. Give the assignment to a few staff members each week. Deadline by Wednesday. Have a few to choose from. Select one, edit it a bit and circulate to your board on Friday.

2) Tell the right kind of story. The story should be:

  • True
  • Current
  • Personal
  • Mission centric
  • Easy to retell
  • Easy to remember (sticky)
  • Give your board member at least one goosebump
  • The impact of the organization should be clear as day

3) Package the story. In the body of the email, before you share the story, include language to this effect:

This weekend, when you are at the gym or at a party, you will run into someone you know. That person might ask you what’s going on at [your organization]. Here’s what you can tell them. Here’s what we hope you’ll tell them. This story about the power of work from [John Doe].

We know how hard it is to devote the significant time required to be a board member, but as you read this story, think about the to-do list you have as a board member. Maybe that list will transform into something else.


Tried and true.  Simple and important.

  • Your staff members become stronger ambassadors.
  • You will have an inventory of stories to tell at your next house party and can spread the goosebumps around even more.
  • Board members will become better equipped to talk about the organization outside of the boardroom. This can only help them bring more people to the organization. And the goosebumps they create will motivate them to continue talking about the organization and its work.
  • These stories will also be treasures for the Development department – for lunches or grant proposals.


If your organization is having a problem keeping your board engaged and motivated between meetings, I want you to try the Goosebump-a-Day Solution and write about it in the comments below so others know exactly how it worked.

10 thoughts on “How to Keep Board Members Engaged Between Meetings”

  1. This is wonderful advice! As a project director at a non-profit and as a board member of a different non-profit, I can see how this would fare well in practice. I’m wondering how it can be tailored when it is an agency with very strict confidentiality rules (like a domestic violence shelter) in a very small, rural area where many people know each other/families/friends/etc.. Any thoughts?

  2. I sent out a Goosebump-Memo less than an hour ago. I rarely get replies from board members unless I beg for one. However, within 10 minutes of sending the message, I heard back from one. Thank you so much for this idea!

  3. Absolutely a great idea. My cautionary tale – when I first came to my current organization, and having a board that is spread out in a 200 mile radius, I made sure to communicate on a weekly basis in the form of a short email that recapped the week, and I always tried to tie in a mission related story. Initially the response was good, but after a time, I started getting fewer responses, and eventually no responses. Now I try to do it about once a month or so unless something amazing or fun happens that I just have to tell them about immediately. Once in a while, I can still make someone cry 🙂

  4. What an excellent suggestion! And oh so timely considering I was just venting my frustration about this exact topic. Thank you!

  5. Hi Joan. Thank you very much for this insightful and practical advice. I will definately try it with our Board, and give you feedback. Many thanks from South Africa

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