Ep 46: Strategic Program Design (with Lindsay Hoffman)

by Joan Garry

Too often, nonprofits become distracted by the newest and shiniest programming. This can cause big opportunities to be missed. Lindsay Hoffman explains…


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Bright Shiny Object Syndrome, or “BSOS.” Ever experience it?

When it comes to programs, BSOS is when nonprofits neglect their current (probably underfunded) programming because they are distracted by the newest and shiniest programming. And when that happens, big opportunities can be missed.

Today we’re going to talk about strategic program design with Lindsay Hoffman.

About Lindsay Hoffman

Lindsay is a nonprofit consultant with a 14-year background helping organizations with strategic planning, program design and planning, and fund development.

Lindsay spent 5 years as a Senior Vice President of Program Development at Seedco and was Managing Director of Institutional Development at GMHC. She has designed programs and then found funding for them.

Lindsay has directly secured over $145 million for nonprofit causes. I think she has the perfect balance of knowledge to guide us through this topic. Don’t listen to this one while driving — you’ll want to take notes.

In this episode:

  • How to keep focus and avoid Bright Shiny Object Syndrome
  • How to evaluate if ideas are actually GOOD ideas
  • Whose responsibility is it to put the meat on the bones of a program?
  • Lindsay’s “Quick Win” to turn an idea into something tangible for a potential funder on short notice
  • Building “Human-centered” program design into your ongoing work
  • The benefits of starting small

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